En 1962, varios miembros de nuestra familia fuimos testigos del "milagruco", ocurrido en Garabandal (San Miguel Arcángel dio la Sagrada Comunión a Conchita González). Ahora, cincuenta años después, esperamos que terminen de cumplirse las profecías de la Virgen. En este blog nos proponemos recoger -en castellano, inglés, francés, portugués, italiano...- algunos mensajes del Cielo a hombres y mujeres de Dios, en nuestros tiempos. Son continuación de lo que la Virgen anunció en Garabandal, entre 1961 y 1965. Si se leen despacio, son fuente de oración, y de amor a Dios y a nuestros hermanos de todo el mundo. Conviene advertir que, mientras caminamos en esta vida, vamos hacia la luz de la verdad a través de sombras e imágenes veladas. Por eso, no podemos alcanzar aún un discernimiento pleno de estos mensajes. Durante el "Aviso" el Señor disipará nuestras dudas e incertidumbres. Para comprender mejor el contenido del blog, se puede leer la página sobre GARABANDAL.

sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

Angelik, at Borg in-Nadur, Malta (4 ene 2012)

(P365) Message of 4th January 2012, given at Borg in-Nadur

My dear children and my dear children – the ones of my heart!

     A new year has started for you. Indeed, it is the first time this year that I have come here. I wish you to commence this year well. Pray for peace. Pray for world peace. This is my wish and the wish of my Son Jesus for this year. And in a special way – this being most important – pray that no one will end the life of another by means of abortion. My children, I want you to work at this during the year. I am warning you well in advance. Be prepared. Whenever a country goes to war with another, it first does its homework. Yes, my children, do your own homework too.
     Get working! My children, work at this together, so that divorce will not result in confusion in your country and bring in abortion as well. Indeed, my children, divorce has been what gave rise to everything. This is what has happened. This is what happened in other countries. Therefore, my children and my own little children, get working, so that abortion will be kept distant from your shores. Do not delay. Indeed, my children, start working now.
     Say the rosary and get others to say the rosary.
     Thank you for having listened to my call.

Note: Since 21st April 2006, Our Lady has been appearing to Angelik Caruana [at Borg in-Nadur, Malta]. These apparitions are being followed by the local Church. Our Lady asserts in her messages that she is being sent by her Son Jesus because He loves humanity and because their hearts are hurt through the many sins being committed. She particularly mentions abortion, divorce, euthanasia, pornography, abuse on children, adultery, bad use of sex and the internet, wars and the shortfalls of the religious.

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