En 1962, varios miembros de nuestra familia fuimos testigos del "milagruco", ocurrido en Garabandal (San Miguel Arcángel dio la Sagrada Comunión a Conchita González). Ahora, cincuenta años después, esperamos que terminen de cumplirse las profecías de la Virgen. En este blog nos proponemos recoger -en castellano, inglés, francés, portugués, italiano...- algunos mensajes del Cielo a hombres y mujeres de Dios, en nuestros tiempos. Son continuación de lo que la Virgen anunció en Garabandal, entre 1961 y 1965. Si se leen despacio, son fuente de oración, y de amor a Dios y a nuestros hermanos de todo el mundo. Conviene advertir que, mientras caminamos en esta vida, vamos hacia la luz de la verdad a través de sombras e imágenes veladas. Por eso, no podemos alcanzar aún un discernimiento pleno de estos mensajes. Durante el "Aviso" el Señor disipará nuestras dudas e incertidumbres. Para comprender mejor el contenido del blog, se puede leer la página sobre GARABANDAL.

sábado, 14 de enero de 2012

Jennifer (10 ene 12)

Mensajes a Jennifer

6:30 PM

        My child, I tell My children that I am your hope, I am the truth for I am Jesus. My children, I am the light that came into the world in order for you to have eternal life and I am the light that can never be extinguished.
        My children, rejoice for all the evil in the world cannot claim you if you trust in Me for I am here to guide you to heaven. Today is a new day, a day to awaken and not to look back at all the things that you have done that removed you from Me rather enter into this new time with renewed joy and hope in your hearts. I already came and paid ransom for the sins in which you have and will commit. Look into your hearts and realize the true meaning of your Baptism. If you desire to look back it should only be to repent of the things in which you have not asked Me for My mercy. Each day should be a renewal of your Baptism for you are each My children and the only desire of My heart is to embrace you at your hour of day to be with Me in paradise. Come to Me My children, come and fix your eyes upon living the truth for I am Jesus. Now go forth in peace for it is My mercy and justice that will prevail.

11:45 AM (From the Blessed Mother)

        My chosen sons, You are my beloved ones called upon by the Almighty to use your hands to do His work on this earth; to use your hands to consecrate the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of my son Jesus; to caress His tender body that paid ransom for the sins of mankind; to elevate Him in the Mass to be glorified in heaven and on earth; to use your voice to be one with His so that you guide your flocks to be obedient to the Commandments and to exemplify the truth which continues to be removed in this dark world.
        My sons, I as your mother call to you now in a way that I have never called before. Remain united to the truth and the Church which is under great attack. Through your prayers and your obedience to the Holy Father, together we will defeat the enemy that desires to obtain souls that will lead them into eternal darkness. Pray for your flocks my sons, for I am here to assist each one of you as your heavenly mother by way of obedience to my son Jesus.

11:30 AM (From the Blessed Mother)

        My daughter, I ask My children to open their hearts to my son. I ask them to truly take time in prayer to see all the goodness that my son desires for your lives but too many are seeking to be their own god.
        My children come to my son and in adoration of the suffering that He went through for your salvation offer to Him all your trials and sufferings. Heaven is only obtained through merits of a humble heart. Surrender yourselves today to the will of your Heavenly Father.
        Unite your hearts to the plan that my son is soon to deliver upon this sinful world. Keep your eyes fixed on Him so that through Him and with Him you may obtain the grace necessary to suffice you for the times to come. I come my children with the mantle of my love and tenderness as your mother to call you back to the light of truth which is my son Jesus.

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