En 1962, varios miembros de nuestra familia fuimos testigos del "milagruco", ocurrido en Garabandal (San Miguel Arcángel dio la Sagrada Comunión a Conchita González). Ahora, cincuenta años después, esperamos que terminen de cumplirse las profecías de la Virgen. En este blog nos proponemos recoger -en castellano, inglés, francés, portugués, italiano...- algunos mensajes del Cielo a hombres y mujeres de Dios, en nuestros tiempos. Son continuación de lo que la Virgen anunció en Garabandal, entre 1961 y 1965. Si se leen despacio, son fuente de oración, y de amor a Dios y a nuestros hermanos de todo el mundo. Conviene advertir que, mientras caminamos en esta vida, vamos hacia la luz de la verdad a través de sombras e imágenes veladas. Por eso, no podemos alcanzar aún un discernimiento pleno de estos mensajes. Durante el "Aviso" el Señor disipará nuestras dudas e incertidumbres. Para comprender mejor el contenido del blog, se puede leer la página sobre GARABANDAL.

viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

Maria Divine Mercy (13 ene 12, 08:00 am)

Virgin Mary: Crusade Prayer (19) Prayer for young people
(ver sitio web en castellano)

     My child I am sorrowful today because I suffer much as I think of those poor souls who will die during The Warning.
     You must ask for urgent prayer for these souls who anger My Father. Their behaviour is an abomination in His eyes.
     Please pray, pray, pray for these children of the dark many of whom do not know what they are doing.
     Their wickedness causes My Son to weep and his wounds to fester. It is important that as many souls as possible are enveloped into the arms of My Son at His Divine Mercy. Please ask for this Crusade of Prayer to be said to me, the Mother of Salvation, to save these poor children.

Mother of Salvation I ask you to pray for the mercy
of young souls who are in terrible darkness so that they recognise your
Beloved Son when He comes to redeem the whole of mankind
Let not one soul fall by the wayside
Let not one soul reject His Great Mercy
I pray Mother that all are saved and ask you to cover these souls with your Holy Mantle
To provide them the protection they need from the deceiver.

     My child all souls are important to My Son. But it is the young souls in mortal sin that hurt Him the most.
     Pray that the light of Mercy shines through the darkness of their minds and souls. Pray that they will reject their terrible lives of depravity and emptiness that they lead. Pray that they will reach up and beg for mercy otherwise they will never receive the graces they need to enter the New Paradise.
     What a loss these young people will be to the rest of you who will accept the gift of the Warning and enter the New Era of Paradise on earth. It will break My Son’s heart if they cannot be saved.
Your beloved Mother
Mary Queen of Heaven
Mother of Salvation

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