En 1962, varios miembros de nuestra familia fuimos testigos del "milagruco", ocurrido en Garabandal (San Miguel Arcángel dio la Sagrada Comunión a Conchita González). Ahora, cincuenta años después, esperamos que terminen de cumplirse las profecías de la Virgen. En este blog nos proponemos recoger -en castellano, inglés, francés, portugués, italiano...- algunos mensajes del Cielo a hombres y mujeres de Dios, en nuestros tiempos. Son continuación de lo que la Virgen anunció en Garabandal, entre 1961 y 1965. Si se leen despacio, son fuente de oración, y de amor a Dios y a nuestros hermanos de todo el mundo. Conviene advertir que, mientras caminamos en esta vida, vamos hacia la luz de la verdad a través de sombras e imágenes veladas. Por eso, no podemos alcanzar aún un discernimiento pleno de estos mensajes. Durante el "Aviso" el Señor disipará nuestras dudas e incertidumbres. Para comprender mejor el contenido del blog, se puede leer la página sobre GARABANDAL.

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Maria Divine Mercy (9 ene 2012, 08:10 am)

After The Global Confession I willprepare for My Second Coming
Monday, January 9th, 2012 @ 08:10 am
(ver sitio web en castellano)

     My dearest beloved daughter the times are moving swiftly and The Warning will herald the preparation for My Second Coming.
     After the global confession, when most of humanity will be given special graces and blessings, I will prepare the way for My Second Coming.
     Mankind must accept that the time for this great event is almost upon them.
     Waste no time in preparing your souls and those of your family for My Glorious Return.
     My Second Coming will bring to an end the torment you have endured for thousands of years on earth.
     So great is this Glorious event that no man will fail to gasp in wonder and astonishment as I appear in the skies.
     You of this generation have been chosen to benefit from this journey with me into My New Paradise, during the Era of Peace, over which I will reign.
     No one must be excluded. Not one soul must be allowed to fall through the net. It is My greatest desire to bring you all with Me into My Kingdom.
     This is the glory which mankind has waited for since My death on the cross.
     For those of you who turn a blind eye to My pleas I urge you to begin preparing now.
     My time is drawing close. I have now sent my final messenger into the world to help you prepare your souls. This has been prophesised.
     Do not ignore My warning because if you do you are not awake and you will fail to prepare adequately.
     I will impart many messages from now on so that the world is ready to accept Me as their Ruler.
Your beloved Jesus
Redeemer of all Mankind

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