En 1962, varios miembros de nuestra familia fuimos testigos del "milagruco", ocurrido en Garabandal (San Miguel Arcángel dio la Sagrada Comunión a Conchita González). Ahora, cincuenta años después, esperamos que terminen de cumplirse las profecías de la Virgen. En este blog nos proponemos recoger -en castellano, inglés, francés, portugués, italiano...- algunos mensajes del Cielo a hombres y mujeres de Dios, en nuestros tiempos. Son continuación de lo que la Virgen anunció en Garabandal, entre 1961 y 1965. Si se leen despacio, son fuente de oración, y de amor a Dios y a nuestros hermanos de todo el mundo. Conviene advertir que, mientras caminamos en esta vida, vamos hacia la luz de la verdad a través de sombras e imágenes veladas. Por eso, no podemos alcanzar aún un discernimiento pleno de estos mensajes. Durante el "Aviso" el Señor disipará nuestras dudas e incertidumbres. Para comprender mejor el contenido del blog, se puede leer la página sobre GARABANDAL.

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

Mensajes (3 feb 2012)

Arte Paleocristiano y bizantino
1. Maria Divine Mercy (Europa)
Mensaje de: Nuestra Señora.
Fecha: 1 feb 2012, 08:15 pm.
Título: Virgin Mary: No one will prevent the Book of Truth being revealed to the world.
Parte del contenido: "My child when you work for my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, you must show obedience at all times. Never question His Holy Word because he speaks the truth and only the truth. (...). Move now my child with speed to carry the messages given to the world by my Son to save sinners who are lost. My Son has one intention and that is to save souls. Have no fear my child because everything my Son tells you does not contradict the teachings of His most holy church on earth. (...). This work, to unveil the Book of Truth as the seals are broken, is one of the most important missions on earth for my Father. The world has been promised the truth at this time. (...). Remember these messages from my Son are for all God’s children and are not just for his Catholic Church or for his chosen people the Jews. They are for everyone. Each soul is loved by my Father equally. No soul is deemed more important than the other. (...). Your Heavenly Mother. Mother of Salvation". 
Idioma: inglés.

1. Luz de María (América Latina)
Mensaje de: Jesucristo.
Fecha: 1 feb 2012.
Título: no tiene; ver mensaje.
Parte del contenido: "Miro a la Tierra y miro con dolor. Busco almas y son pocas las que alumbran, son pocas las que mantienen la lámpara encendida. (...). Les llamo a ser verdaderos, a no ser cristianos de nombre, a ser Mis amados en espíritu y verdad. La verdad es importantísima para Mis hijos. Yo prediqué, predico y predicaré la verdad y deseo que ustedes sean verdaderos, que prediquen con la verdad y que ella more en el interior de cada uno de ustedes. Oren hijos, por América del Sur, padecerá. Oren por Méjico, llorará. Oren por Filipinas, se estremecerá. No se alejen unos de otros. (...). EL INSTANTE ESPERADO SE ACERCA, NO VACILEN EN RETOMAR EL CAMINO. Tomen con seriedad los instantes venideros ya que después se lamentarán, y el tiempo, que ya no es tiempo, el instante presente, habrá transcurrido. (...). Amen a Mi Madre, no desprecien Sus Llamados, que Ella peregrina de lugar en lugar, llamándoles e invitándoles a la conversión".
Idioma: castellano.

3. Vidente Australiana
Mensaje de: Jesucristo.
Fecha: 2 feb 2012.
Título: A Tugging On Your Heart.
Contenido completo: "You must pray that my children learn obedience. Obedience to my father in heaven. You are creating grave sins by not being obedient to my father. It is ruining your nation and the world. You must listen to the words of my father. You can’t turn a deaf ear and expect things to be different. Pray that your fellow Christians will learn more obedience. To do this one must fast and pray hard to learn what my father is asking of you. There is also a tugging on your heart to know what my father wants of you. You must listen to this calling. That is when you become obedient. It may not be what you want to hear. It may be uncomfortable, but you will know when my father calls you, and you must listen. Your fellow Christians need to learn this. They are the ones who are not listening to my father’s call. They say they believe in me, but do not listen to my father. What a grave tragedy. This is why there is so much disturbance in your world because Christians are not standing up and obeying God. You cannot be lukewarm my children. What good does that do you. You must follow mine and my father’s teachings and commandments. We did not make them that hard to follow. You are making it hard on yourselves because you are trying to become your own ruler. When you take a backseat to God’s rules, your lives will be simpler and less anxious. I have always taught this my children. What else can I say but to follow God’s rules and laws and your lives will turn around. Great things will happen for you and the world. Keep praying and fasting for guidance. Your Jesus".
Idioma: inglés.

4. Ned Dougherty (St. Rosalie's Church, Hampton Bays, New York, USA)
Mensaje de: Our Lady of Victory.
Fecha: 1 feb 2012, 09:25 am (during Eucharistic Adoration) .
Título: no tiene; ver mensaje.
Parte del contenido: "My dear son: I come to you today as your Lady of Victory, and I announce my title to you and to all the brothers and sisters of the world, in Jesus Christ, who are recognizing that the fulfillment of the Father’s promises here on Earth is being fulfilled; for the time is soon, when I will declare my victory over the evil one here on Earth. So I ask all of you in advance to recognize that the celebration is near, when I will reign over the Earth as your Lady of Victory. (...). It is through the Son of the Father that the world will be changed for the better in the very near future, and it is through the Father and His Son that I have been given the title of Lady of Victory over the evil one. So I again ask you to celebrate in advance with me as your Mother. I ask you to celebrate now also in preparation for the difficult times that are yet to come here on Earth. (...). In the meantime, it is necessary for all of you to follow my direction and my advice to you, which is quite simple. Each and every one of you must place your life, your body, your soul, and your spirit in the hands of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. It is only through my Son Jesus that you will be able to survive the times ahead with all the difficulties that you must face. (...). Once again, I must also reiterate to you that you must also have no fear in living through these difficult times, for you are under the protection of the Triune God, and through the grace of God, you are also under my protection as your Blessed Mother. Therefore, you must recognize now that you have no reason to fear. (...)".
Idioma: inglés.

5. Maria Divine Mercy (Europa)
Mensaje de: Jesucristo.
Fecha: 2 feb 2012, 03:30 pm.
Título: Did you think I would ignore you until the Day of Judgement?.
Parte del contenido: "My dearly beloved daughter how joyful I am at the response of My followers to My great gift of a plenary indulgence for total absolution. But how sad I am for those ungrateful hearts who reject My gift. These souls fail to understand that only God the Father can sanction this gift of a plenary indulgence. Whether it is given to the world through My Holy Vicar or Me, your Divine Saviour, is not important. What is important is that there is little time left in which to save the souls of mankind. To those who question My word know that I am your Divine Saviour speaking to you from Heaven. Don’t you accept that I exist? That I wish to send you a message in these the end times? Did you think I would ignore you until the Day of Judgement? That I would not prepare your souls by communicating with you in this way?". 
Idioma: inglés.

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